
Operating Policy

Our Main Activities

How we operate:

  • Board of Trustees (BOT): Highest body formulating, monitoring and reviewing the policies and directions of the Trust.
  • Executive Committee (EC): Appointed by BOT, manages the affairs of the Trust.
  • Project Coordinator (PC): Appointed for specific area and program  to oversee, coordinate and facilitate Trust activities and in addition to close interaction with ‘Area Coordination Committees (ACC)’.
  • Secretary: Secretary of the Trust assists the Chairman, records minutes of meetings and follows up decisions for implementation.
  • Area Coordination Committee (ACC): Consisting of 3 -4 members including nominated Trustees, Head of schools/institutions and notables of the area. The committee is responsible for:-
    • Selection of deserving students based on their merit and financial status of their families.
    • Processing the cases through PC for consideration and approval by EC.
    • Receive, pay and monitor the payments of approved benefits to selected students of their area and provide verified receipts of payment.
    • Monitor progress of the selected students and submit regular progress reports of students being financed.