Surely to Allah we belong and to Him we will return
Major General Abdul Malik (Late)
It is with profound grief that Al Mujtaba Education Trust posts this obituary on the sudden and tragic passing away of our Honorable Trustee, Major General Abdul Malik (Retired) who breathed his last on 28th June. General Abdul Malik epitomised all that is good in any society. Deeply humane and spurred by a sense of mission to serve those in need, his contributions to the Trust cause will forever remain etched in stone. Having completed a glittering career in the Army Medical Corps where his services for rehabilitation of victims of the devastating 2005 earthquake were especially outstanding, he continued to reach out to the needy with the same missionary zeal even after retirement. He joined Al Mujtaba Education Trust to remain involved in his noble pursuits, a commitment to which he remained faithful till his last breath. He has left a great void and will be deeply missed by all who came across him in their lives.
Posted: July 5, 2022 by Ovais Mustafa
Surely to Allah we belong and to Him we will return
It is with profound grief that Al Mujtaba Education Trust posts this obituary on the sudden and tragic passing away of our Honorable Trustee, Major General Abdul Malik (Retired) who breathed his last on 28th June. General Abdul Malik epitomised all that is good in any society. Deeply humane and spurred by a sense of mission to serve those in need, his contributions to the Trust cause will forever remain etched in stone. Having completed a glittering career in the Army Medical Corps where his services for rehabilitation of victims of the devastating 2005 earthquake were especially outstanding, he continued to reach out to the needy with the same missionary zeal even after retirement. He joined Al Mujtaba Education Trust to remain involved in his noble pursuits, a commitment to which he remained faithful till his last breath. He has left a great void and will be deeply missed by all who came across him in their lives.
We request all for prayers for the departed.
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